Even though we hadn’t spoken I knew you were there, Now I realise that it was a comfort to know this As now I no longer have that comfort I will never be able to turn up on you doorstep I will never be able to pass a message on I will never be able to have a hug Even though we hadn’t spoken I knew you were there I knew that if I ever needed you You would greet me with open arms You would treat me like we spoke yesterday We had that bond that we felt even when we hadn’t seen each other for a year you treated me the same as you always would! You would smile and say ebby! and neeky woo! I wish you were still there just that comfort of knowing you were there but that is selfish I missed you before you was gone but knew you were there when we were both ready, Now I miss you and your gone and your never coming back, it feels so different and final theres no going back, I now have a different sort of comfort of knowing your all around and you can see me and I can talk to you! But I cant see your smile and I cant hear your laugh. but i can still remember your smile and your laugh and i will hold it in my heart forever! miss you mum x